Saturday, May 18, 2013


It was more like slip-n-whack.  I finally did it.  I finally slipped in one of Holly's puddles of water that she leaves after she dribbles from her mouth after drinking water.  Thursday night I was walking into my bedroom and lost my footing.  I landed with a few sores on my leg which wasn't so bad, but I couldn't avoid whacking my head into the side of the door molding.  It was so loud the dogs thought someone knocked on the door and started barking.  All I heard was crack when I hit the molding.  Thankfully I hit it on the side of my face, on my cheekbone and along side my eye.  Had a little cut but no bruising.  Still is so tender.  Guess I really do have a thick head, lol. 

Let's just say I was cursing Holly and crying at the same time.  I told her she needed to start acting like a lady, no more dribbling, no more hating the girl dog next door, no more eating and rolling in dead bugs, no more eating her own poop.  Now I'm sitting here laughing because that's really funny!  I love my Holly girl just the way she is!


  1. I totally gasp reading this. Nim does that slimy dribble too! I am glad you didn't knock yourself out. You may have bruising later. It is so hard, they don't mean to be dogs. :)

    1. I have towels on the floor for her dribble, but she makes a trail too long. I refuse to wear socks or shoes in my house too. Darn dogs :) (Of course, you know I'm kidding)
