Sunday, September 28, 2014

Trying to get back into the swing of things.

I've really been slacking on getting on here the past couple months. I know so much has happened over the past couple weeks and I know I'll forget to post most of it, but here's a little bit of it.

When I had Lucas' cardio workup done a couple months ago I didn't have the ultrasound done right away. Needed to save the money first. I finally had the ultrasound done and got the results back about 2 weeks ago. They suspect occult dilated myopathy. So now Lucas is on Vetmedin and
Benazepril for the rest of his life. I'm worried but glad it was supposedly caught early. Thankfully I have a couple friends, including Lucas' foster mom, who have dealt with this before so if I have questions they can help me. I've actually been, or should I say always been, worried about him lately. He seems quieter and has slowed down over the past couple years. I worry about losing him. I know I could lose him being at the age he is. I try everything in my power to make sure he's okay. Yesterday he didn't eat, this morning he didn't want to go outside. I'm hoping it's just the new medicine talking. It makes me feel sick to see him like this.

I started Lucas' medicine Tuesday night so I could bring him to work with me and watch how he's doing. Well Wednesday morning little Miss Holly decided to bite a bufo toad. We washed out her mouth and she seemed okay but I didn't feel comfortable leaving her at home. So off to work I went with both of them. And Holly was fine after we washed her mouth out. Here's them snoozing at work.

*So as I was typing this this morning, we ended up taking Lucas to the emergency vet. It was almost like he was paralyzed. To make a long story short after being there for 3 hours, he has a 105 temperature and they're not sure what's causing it. They think it might be more along the lines of a tumor or even possibly cancer. They did blood work which came back okay except for being slightly anemic. They also took 3 x-rays. He couldn't initially see any tumors but will have a radiologist read them. He believes the fever might be cause his immobility, at least that's what I'm hoping for anyway. We had to leave him there for an overnight stay so they can treat him and do further tests to hopefully figure out what is wrong with him. Please everyone, keep him in your thoughts and keep all body parts crossed that he will be okay.*

Back to my original post intent...

One of my customers found a kitten so they decided to bring him/her by my office for a visit. His intent was for me to hopefully fall deeply in love and take the kitten. I did fall in love, but didn't take the kitten. He will take care of it until he finds a good home. Here's the little cutie.

Here's my two handsome boys sleeping the other day. When they're awake, Gomez seems to be into everything, including the cabinets now. Hope I don't have to childproof them.

Yesterday I was walking in our yard with my hubby and the dogs. I seen this funky looking lizard and we were trying to figure out what kind it was. Then as I was getting closer to take more pictures, we figured out what it was. It took off like a bat out of hell on 2 legs. A Jesus Lizard. Funniest thing I ever saw. It's almost like watching a cartoon. These lizards have such long tails and back feet.

I'm off now so I can get a little more housework done. Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!

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