Sunday, March 15, 2015

Semi-Spring Cleaning

I have to admit. I've never done a Spring cleaning in my life. When I'm in the mood to do different cleaning, I just do it. Right now, over the (probably) next 6 months, I've decided to go through drawer by drawer and clean out what I don't use. As much as I have a problem of letting some stuff go, like stuff I really like, if I haven't used it by now, it's going in a garage sale bin. I have 4 bins so far. Not all are full. I've kind of separated them by household items, holiday stuff, clothes, etc. Today I will probably go through a small cabinet where I store holiday stuff. Just kind of thinning out the crap we have, plus I could really use some extra money to go towards either my dental bills or vet bills. No easier way for extra money than a garage sale. My goal is to have one in October. I think it'll be too hot until then. I told my hubby he needs to go through his garage stuff and put at least 1 item a week in the bins. So far he's put 1 thing in. I'm rolling my eyes, you just can't see it.

Next week we are taking Lucas up to the University of Florida. The Doberman DCM screening clinic upped the age for Dobermans, so the doctor called me last week and asked if I'd like to include Lucas. He was already diagnosed with DCM last year so they will be doing the second part of the screening which will include the gene test and the holter monitor. I didn't even ask (or want to) about the holter monitor. If it's a 24 hour thing, I'm just wondering how I'm getting it back up there to the college as it's a 4 hour one-way trip. I wonder if they'd let me UPS it back. Not going to worry about it until we get up there. My hubby is taking the day off so he can help me drive. Last time I almost made it the whole way, until I was about 2 hours from home. Next week is there last week of testing. He said they might extend it one week but wasn't sure.

Well I'm off to start checking shelves for the garage sale stash. Then hopefully a relaxing day after that. Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I do the holters and always just ship them back. I actually get them shipped to me, I visit the vet to get it put on, and then take it off myself and send it back. Nim had a bigger problem than Odin ever did taking the stickies off...but generally they don't mind mind it. They should let you ship. That is a long drive. It is good you are getting it done! Sam
