Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Year Resolutions

I can't say I have really ever made any New Year Resolutions. 

This year I would really like to volunteer at the animal shelter.  I've been putting off sending in the application because between working full time during the week and doing house stuff on the weekend (like laundry and such other fun cleaning things to do), it really gives me only one day off.  And usually that day off I like to do absolutely nothing.  They want you to do at least 4 hours a week.  When I talked to the one girl I usually talk to there, I told her I never volunteered because I felt like I couldn't give the hours they need.  She told me not to worry, as I do other things for them just by donating toys, scratch pads, food, etc.  But I feel like I still need to committ more than I think I will do.  Plus I feel horrible not spending enough time with my own pets.  I think I'll start after I cut up and braid the 18 yards of fleece material I have to make rope pull toys.  I look forward to that backache.  

I'd also like to try and lose some weight this year.  I do terrible on diets and have zilch energy to exercise, so I'm going to somehow adjust my current meals and at least get my butt out there and walk a few times a week.  I won't guarantee anything on this one though.  But now that the holidays are just about over and all the treats and sweets are just about gone, I might do better on at least not gaining any more!

I'm really going to try to work more on my driving patience.  This will definitely be a hard one.  I would say that I'd put a swear jar in my car, but I'd be broke before the end of the first week of the new year.  I'm really going to try though.

Don't think I really have any more than this.  I really would like to accomplish the above by the end of the year.

Does anyone have any good New Year Resolution(s) that they have?  Please share.


  1. Hello!

    My resolutions are coming out later. :) I never make them. Never. I think it is fear of failure on them, but this year I want just a couple.

    By the way, I loved that Lucas foster parents came by, that is so important to them.

    I have a tendency to over volunteer and it does suck up a lot of time. I am SUPER lucky that one of my volunteer jobs uses Nim. Don't beat yourself up, you give what you can give, and wanting to have a day to yourself is a good thing.

    Health. They say walking is really good for you. I obviously hike a lot, but I do think that walking is just good for my brain sometimes, and sometimes I get more social interaction that way than when I hike. I also realized they weren't kidding about the muscle loss around 40 and had to start lifting weights, in part to keep my strong with Nim. I do these weight lifting classes and love the gals I meet.

    Take care!

    1. I think that's why I never made resolutions before, fear of failure. But now I think it's okay, at least as long as you try.

      They weren't kidding about 40, period. Everything starts to change, lol. It started with having to get reading glasses for me.

      Look forward to reading your resolutions!

      Hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve, and wish you much luck for the coming New Year!!

