Friday, March 29, 2013

The Results

So Lucas had his surgery on Monday, and it was a retained testicle! They only found the one. I'll never know what or why the original owner didn't get the other one out. While he was open they did look around and said everything else looked good. He has a pretty long cut underneath him, but he was already starting to feel better the day after surgery. He was uncomfortable, and I'm sure in pain, but I can tell he's getting back to normal. He will get the staples out next Friday. He's been coming to work with me every day until he gets the staples out so I can keep an eye on him. He freaks in that cone and he got the blow up one off that I tried. He actually hasn't been messing with them at all but I have a t-shirt handy if he does.
I'm so thankful for the results.  I'm not ready to give up my boy.


  1. Thank you for your encouraging thoughts. How long did the Seroma take to go down, and how big did it get? I can't find much info online for BIG Seramas.
    -Mindy Lu

    1. When my boy had a lump removed I'd say it was almost the size of the lump again when it filled in, which was about the same size of the cup of my hand if you know what I mean. No where as near the size of Sir Lancelot's. When it did fill in we did have it drained but it didn't go away completely. I did get a warm compress on a few times, but I'd say it took at least 2 weeks to totally go away. They said it could have come back again until it healed and if it did we could opt to just leave a drain in until it was healed, but we didn't need to. I would think with Sir Lancelot's so large it would take awhile. He's a real trooper! Have you tried a warm compress? They told me it should help. I just put a warm washcloth on the area.

  2. Hooray! What good news! I love that he is going to work with you right now.
