Saturday, October 19, 2013

Halloween Pics and Days Off

Happy Saturday! Hope everyone had a good week.

Last weekend my Patches had some blood work done to re-check her thyroid.  She is hyperthyroid and the last time it was high, so we got her on some chewable medicine instead of pills since the last time.  It did come down but it is still high.  The vet increased one of her doses and we do a re-check in 6 months. This is her in her prison at the vet.

Last weekend husband went and bought himself another little toy.  I've been harping on him to get rid of the Mustang he no longer wants that is sitting in the garage that he says "he's working on it", ha!

Took some pictures of Holly and Lucas with some new Halloween collars that their Auntie Carol gave them for Christmas.  The other pictures in their costumes are from previous years. 

I took this one and labeled it as "my support system".  Don't dogs always support us?

This week I'm finally taking a little mini-vacation.  It's only about a 5 hour drive away and I still won't be out of the state of Florida, but at least I'll be 'away'.  I'm going to visit an old childhood friend and family who lived down the street from me growing up.  She was my best friend for about 5 years and her family was like a second family to me.  I really need to get out of work for awhile because I feel like I'm going to crash soon if I don't.  I'll only be taking off 3 days this week.  Then the following week I'll be taking off 2 days (Halloween of course).  I can't take an entire week off at once as I do payroll for 4 companies plus the bookkeeping, and I'm the only employee.  It has many advantages, but many disadvantages too. 

Well I hope everyone has a great weekend, what's left, and a great week too!



  1. Who doesn't love being supported by doberman butts? That is wonderful you are taking a mini-vacation! Even a change of scenery helps. I didn't realize you were a bookkeeper. That can be such an intensive job at times.

    Love the Halloween collars. :) You are very supportive of your husband's toys!

    1. I wouldn't say supportive, but I do put up with it. :)

  2. Great Halloween collars!!! Have fun visiting your friend. Its always great to catch up with people!
