The update from the rescue guys visit last week, the 2 dogs he brought did get adopted. One was adopted by someone not far from me. The other one was adopted a few days later by someone in North Florida. I'm so happy for the both! Here's a pic of them. Louie is the Dachshund (once in awhile he does a favor for other rescues and takes a little one), and Zeus is the Doberman. They are both very young and that's why I'm happy they both got homes. So they don't have to grow up in rescue, waiting, and can be trained to be good puppies (although Louie was perfect).
I went down to my parents yesterday and picked up a hitchhiker. His name is Finn and he's about 11 months old. He was scared and unsure at first when I got home. He wouldn't get out of my car. But then he heard Holly and Lucas barking and he was good from then on. He played a little rough, by placing his paw on their back and trying to play. He's a big boy. Holly would have none of it and did her berserko crazy thing she does. Lucas, well I didn't want him getting hurt. So they both stayed inside while Finn had run of the yard. A very good boy. He went from one rescue to another because the foster he was in had too much going on with kids in and out and he was too nervous about it. He would growl at people coming in. A good move for all. He'll find a good home.
Tried getting my paperwork together to do our taxes soon. Gomez was no help at all. Kept laying on the papers, playing with the papers, chewing on the papers. Finally got it all together though.
In the meantime, Holly and Lucas are enjoying the nice weather. Supposed to be back in the 80's this week again, but hopefully not permanent so soon.
Hope you all enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
Finn is adorable!