Sunday, April 6, 2014

Moving Along

Can't believe it's Sunday already! I remember when I was little, Sunday used to last forever. Now it goes by in the blink of an eye.

Hope everyone had a great week!

Tomorrow I get my stiches out in my mouth! Yay! I might actually be able to start eating some kind of meat besides fish, like chicken. It's been hard not to eat any meet for the last 10 days when one is used to eating it. And it's kind of hard too because I have to eat softer foods, well let's hope not after tomorrow.  My teeth do not seem to hurt, just a tad in one area where it was worse. I'm just wondering how long I'll have to wait to get this darn implant in now. I get very impatient with things like this.

This past week I decided to get two new (well refurbished anyways) computers for work. I had XP and Windows will not be giving updates anymore soon so I figured I'd go to 7. There's another nail biter for me. I have no faith in getting my computers back in working order with my data transferred with my programs. I have 2 programs that I absolutely have to have no problems with or I'm screwed. Long story short, they finally delivered them to install Friday at 3:00 and was there for over 2 hours getting one of my programs to install correctly. When he left it was working, and I am keeping every part of my body crossed that it will be the same tomorrow when I go to use it. Like I said, no faith.

Yesterday I took Lily and Lucas in to the vet. Lucas needed a shot and I wanted to have Lily get a check-up because of her age. Poor little thing is just 5lbs. I'm going to have to start calling her Bob...Bag of bones. She eats what she does and drinks, and she gets around just fine. Still jumps up on the couch and chairs and walks all around so I know she's just fine. I just hate that she's so thin. Nothing I can do at her age. I try to give her everything she used to have a bite of before but now she doesn't want it. She'll be okay.

Doing nothing much today. Finishing laundry. I want to try and cut some material for some dog toys. Need to vacuum but really don't want to.

Well I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday. Don't work too hard. Enjoy the day.


  1. Finally I am getting to some comments! I tell you, new accounting job in tax time = not enough hours in the day.

    Lily makes me think of my cat Chloe, she was hard to even keep at 5 pounds especially as she aged.

    I hope your mouth is feeling better and that your upgrade went well. We have had sun this weekend so I am happy. Sam

    1. I so would not want your job right now!
      Mouth is definitely feeling better, thanks!
