Sunday, July 28, 2013

Week is Flying By

Even though it seemed to drag at work, it seems to go by in the blink of an eye.

Not too much going on this week.  Had a doctor appointment.  I needed a refill on a prescription and because I haven't been in since October of last year they made me go in. When I went in they asked me why I was there. I told them they made me come in, duh!

That was the extent of fun during the week, besides getting my lip waxed, ouch!

Yesterday was clean house day.  Then a rescue friend asked for my help to pick up a dog from just getting spayed and bringing her to their kennel.  They had 2 dogs done but one couldn't be done yesterday and she was afraid she couldn't handle both with the one being all dopey and the other being all hyper so I transported the dopey one.  A real cutie. Her name is Callie. She's a little Pittie.  I hate to see them all hurting after surgery though, it makes me sad.  Hopefully she's feeling better this morning.

Holly is doing well.  Her fur seems to be growing back in pretty good.  It took Lucas' forever to grow back in, but Holly's is coming in good.  Patches, the kitty, seems to be getting better too.  She was still quiet some this past week but seems to be coming around. More vocal this weekend.  I'm sure her age isn't helping, but we are just making sure she is comfortable and not in any pain, and also making sure she is at least pooping some. :)

Well I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday! Enjoy your day!

Here's a couple pictures from this week of the fur-kids.

Had to have my husband take this one as whenever I go outside Lucas gets up and comes to me.

Holly having a sit on Lucas' bed. Anything to put her butt on.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Little Quieter Week

Little Miss Patches ended up getting her enema.  She did poo some over last weekend but not enough. She wasn't very happy. She's still not back to normal but if I remember correctly, it took her a bit last year after she had it done too to get back to normal. I know her being 19yrs old isn't helping, and whenever she's quiet I get a sinking feeling in my stomach that the time might be coming soon. I know it's reality, I just don't want to face it. Please don't make me have to make that decision yet again.
Miss Holly is doing well. She seems to have a bit of a problem jumping off our bed, but that is the only activity that bothers her. She kind of slides off. I've been telling my husband for months I want to find a platform type bed since Lucas hasn't been sleeping with us, and now I'm really going to try and look for an inexpensive one. I think next time I go to my parents I'll go visit Ikea. I've heard they have a bunch of stuff.
Sleeping on the way to work.
Mr. Lucas hard at work.
I received my first item for the dog baskets that I ordered. It's a little small but it's really cute. I figured it is a doggy washcloth so it will be used on their dog so it can be small. What do you think? I plan on ordering a couple other things this weekend. The things I'm ordering online are more or less for the owner themselves, then I will go to the pet store and pick out some treats. I'm sure I'll think of other things to put in along the way.

If you have Directv, I noticed they will soon be having a new channel on August 1st.
I believe it's free for the first month if you sign up now, but then they charge after that if you don't cancel. Not really sure what they will be having on there. I almost thought of getting it but a lot of times we get storms during the summer and when we do the satellite freezes sometimes.  When it does that it makes a noise after it comes back on and it freaks Lucas out. As paranoid as he is I don't need him worse than he already is.

Well I hope everyone enjoys their Saturday. I'm off to start the usually house stuff. Fun!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Everything's Going To Be Okay

I always try to remain positive in bad situations. A lot of times it's very hard, and a lot of times I break down crying.  With the situations I've faced this year with health concerns with my husband and my two dogs, I always feel like I'm being tested in my strength and what I can get through.  The girl at my vet said to me this week about the awful things that have happened this year to us. I told her everything turned out okay in the end though and that's all that matters. 

Holly's results from her mass on her spleen came back benign yesterday. I told her she wasn't going anywhere and was going to be around for a very long time.  Some happy news for us!

My one cat Patches wasn't feeling well this week so I decided to get her blood work done and an x-ray. Last year she got backed up and had to have an enema because nothing else helped her. So I asked them to check that in case she was backed up again.  Of course before I bring her into the vet she starts to feel better again, but she needed blood work done anyway.  The x-ray did show she is full of it though...poo that is.  They gave her some lactulose which I'm giving to her again today.  Said if she doesn't start pooping better they will give her an enema.  She poops but not very much and it seems to be dry.  She's a hard one to deal with because she's my diabetic and recently diagnosed hyperthyroid kitty and she's 19 years old so it's hard to get things under control all around.  Hopefully she'll poop good today.

Lucas is back on a different antibiotic for his urinary infection.  The specialist my vet talked to said he is probably having these problems because of the retained testicle he had and hopefully once we get it cleared up he should be good.  Still not sure on his flakiness though if that is what is causing it.  Once we get the infection cleared up I will go from there if he still has the flakes.

Yesterday we (me, my husband, Lucas and Holly) went down to visit my parents.  It was my dad's 80th birthday.  He wanted to do to the casino so we went there for about an hour and I flushed $20 down the toilet! I think my dad made out with a dollar and change.  Not sure how much my mom lost.  It was fun.  I like going there and I know my dad likes going even though we both don't know what we're doing.  Just press the button and your good to go.  It's when the machine gets loud is when you should get excited.

Here's a pic of my dad and the granddogs.  Holly just loves him to death.

I'm going to start to put a couple of gift baskets together for the Doberman rescue where Lucas and Holly came from.  I thought it might be a cute little gift to an adopter.  I haven't told him as it might take me awhile to put together.  I've found one little thing so far to put in, and I have 3 other things I'd like to order to put in it.  It'll take time as it'll take money.  Holly put me in debt just a little with her surgery.  Will post a picture whenever I get done with it.  Thought I might do some kitty one's too and find a local kitty rescue to give them to. 

Well I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday! I'm off to catch up on my housework, yay! :)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Holly's Home!

Well the title of this post says it all but doesn't show my excitement. Last night when I called for the update at 8:30 they told me she finally stopped bleeding. I was so relieved to hear this. They wanted her pcv level to come up some more though before she went home. It was 33 last night. Up from 30 from the morning test. When I called this morning at 7 they told me it was still at 33 but felt she was stable enough to go home, of course with limited outside (only potty breaks) and no playing, running and other such strenuous activities.

We picked her up at 9 this morning.  She was so excited to see us. I truly felt like she thought she was left there for good by the look on her face and was in disbelief that we came back for her. I was so happy to see her I couldn't help but cry. She wasn't as excited as I thought she would be to see Lucas. He gave her a sniff down and that was pretty much it. I know she's all doped up still and will be for awhile. She's been whiny since we picked her up. I feel bad for her. I just hope her whininess is from the medicine and not so much the pain. I know she has pain though. 

I bring her back to my vet on Monday to have them check her pcv level again, and I'm sure I'll be back there a few more times too. 

I can't tell you how happy I am to have my girl home.  Yesterday I thought we were going to lose her and now she's home.  

Friday, July 5, 2013

Hopeful for Holly

My little Holly girl wasn't feeling well Monday night.  She wouldn't lay down and she was very clingy.  She finally crashed about 1a.m.  My hubby dropped her off at our vet Tuesday morning.  I thought she might have had an ear infection.  I wish.  After checking the obvious, they ended up doing one of their specials, blood work and an x-ray.  Blood work came back fine but her x-ray showed a mass near her spleen.

On Wednesday we dropped her back off at the vet so she could get an ultrasound done.  It showed it was attached to her spleen.  They operated on her that afternoon.  They ended up removing her spleen too as it was twisted in half.  We had to drop her off at the emergency vet that evening as my vet isn't a 24 hour vet.  We were to pick her up the following evening about 8.  On the morning call they said she did well overnight and her pvc levels were good and she had no heart arrhythmia's.  At 5o'clock they called and said her pvc levels dropped significantly and she was oozing out of her incision and her heart rate was up.  The cut her lip to perform a clotting time.  Normal time is 4 minutes and hers was 8 minutes.  They came to the conclusion that she has Von Willebrands Disease.  I didn't do the actual test for it but had them treat her for it.  She had 2 transfusions of plasma last night.

This morning and this afternoon they said she is still oozing a little out of her incision.  Her pvc level came up slightly from the test they did at 8a.m.  They next test is at 8p.m. which I was told to call back after that.

They don't believe anything is wrong with the inside (from the operation) as she would have bled out and died pretty quickly, by what they told me.  They were concerned that if her pvc level doesn't come up that she could have a chance of not making it, and bleeding to death anyway. 

I really wasn't expecting this to happen as when the surgery happened they had no significant bleeding.  And now I'm facing the chance of losing her which is very hard.  I can't go see her, well I can, but it will not help her.  She will just get very excited and she really needs to be kept calm right now.  I just don't want her to think we left her should anything happen.  These hours in between phone calls seems like days to me.  I can't even keep myself busy because I can't even keep focused on anything.  Good thing I took a vacation day today. 

I'm not religious, but what ever is your choice, please keep her in your thoughts.