Sunday, July 14, 2013

Everything's Going To Be Okay

I always try to remain positive in bad situations. A lot of times it's very hard, and a lot of times I break down crying.  With the situations I've faced this year with health concerns with my husband and my two dogs, I always feel like I'm being tested in my strength and what I can get through.  The girl at my vet said to me this week about the awful things that have happened this year to us. I told her everything turned out okay in the end though and that's all that matters. 

Holly's results from her mass on her spleen came back benign yesterday. I told her she wasn't going anywhere and was going to be around for a very long time.  Some happy news for us!

My one cat Patches wasn't feeling well this week so I decided to get her blood work done and an x-ray. Last year she got backed up and had to have an enema because nothing else helped her. So I asked them to check that in case she was backed up again.  Of course before I bring her into the vet she starts to feel better again, but she needed blood work done anyway.  The x-ray did show she is full of it though...poo that is.  They gave her some lactulose which I'm giving to her again today.  Said if she doesn't start pooping better they will give her an enema.  She poops but not very much and it seems to be dry.  She's a hard one to deal with because she's my diabetic and recently diagnosed hyperthyroid kitty and she's 19 years old so it's hard to get things under control all around.  Hopefully she'll poop good today.

Lucas is back on a different antibiotic for his urinary infection.  The specialist my vet talked to said he is probably having these problems because of the retained testicle he had and hopefully once we get it cleared up he should be good.  Still not sure on his flakiness though if that is what is causing it.  Once we get the infection cleared up I will go from there if he still has the flakes.

Yesterday we (me, my husband, Lucas and Holly) went down to visit my parents.  It was my dad's 80th birthday.  He wanted to do to the casino so we went there for about an hour and I flushed $20 down the toilet! I think my dad made out with a dollar and change.  Not sure how much my mom lost.  It was fun.  I like going there and I know my dad likes going even though we both don't know what we're doing.  Just press the button and your good to go.  It's when the machine gets loud is when you should get excited.

Here's a pic of my dad and the granddogs.  Holly just loves him to death.

I'm going to start to put a couple of gift baskets together for the Doberman rescue where Lucas and Holly came from.  I thought it might be a cute little gift to an adopter.  I haven't told him as it might take me awhile to put together.  I've found one little thing so far to put in, and I have 3 other things I'd like to order to put in it.  It'll take time as it'll take money.  Holly put me in debt just a little with her surgery.  Will post a picture whenever I get done with it.  Thought I might do some kitty one's too and find a local kitty rescue to give them to. 

Well I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday! I'm off to catch up on my housework, yay! :)


  1. Good morning! Your dad seems like a really neat man, how nice that he loves Lucas and Holly.

    It really has been one vet thing after another hasn't it? And then the heart attack...that is a life changer probably for both you and your husband. Poor Patches! Did she poo? That is great she is 19?!

    I love the gift basket idea, and yes, it will add up fast. I have had to let go of some of my projects while I am unemployed. I think an adopter would love to get a gift like that.

    1. My dad loves all animals. Patches did poo some, but not enough so we did take her for an enema. She wasn't happy.

  2. What a great idea to put together a gift basket for adoptee's So glad things are going better!
