Friday, July 5, 2013

Hopeful for Holly

My little Holly girl wasn't feeling well Monday night.  She wouldn't lay down and she was very clingy.  She finally crashed about 1a.m.  My hubby dropped her off at our vet Tuesday morning.  I thought she might have had an ear infection.  I wish.  After checking the obvious, they ended up doing one of their specials, blood work and an x-ray.  Blood work came back fine but her x-ray showed a mass near her spleen.

On Wednesday we dropped her back off at the vet so she could get an ultrasound done.  It showed it was attached to her spleen.  They operated on her that afternoon.  They ended up removing her spleen too as it was twisted in half.  We had to drop her off at the emergency vet that evening as my vet isn't a 24 hour vet.  We were to pick her up the following evening about 8.  On the morning call they said she did well overnight and her pvc levels were good and she had no heart arrhythmia's.  At 5o'clock they called and said her pvc levels dropped significantly and she was oozing out of her incision and her heart rate was up.  The cut her lip to perform a clotting time.  Normal time is 4 minutes and hers was 8 minutes.  They came to the conclusion that she has Von Willebrands Disease.  I didn't do the actual test for it but had them treat her for it.  She had 2 transfusions of plasma last night.

This morning and this afternoon they said she is still oozing a little out of her incision.  Her pvc level came up slightly from the test they did at 8a.m.  They next test is at 8p.m. which I was told to call back after that.

They don't believe anything is wrong with the inside (from the operation) as she would have bled out and died pretty quickly, by what they told me.  They were concerned that if her pvc level doesn't come up that she could have a chance of not making it, and bleeding to death anyway. 

I really wasn't expecting this to happen as when the surgery happened they had no significant bleeding.  And now I'm facing the chance of losing her which is very hard.  I can't go see her, well I can, but it will not help her.  She will just get very excited and she really needs to be kept calm right now.  I just don't want her to think we left her should anything happen.  These hours in between phone calls seems like days to me.  I can't even keep myself busy because I can't even keep focused on anything.  Good thing I took a vacation day today. 

I'm not religious, but what ever is your choice, please keep her in your thoughts.


  1. Oh my gosh Linda! I am just devastated by the news and she is absolutely in my thoughts. Talk about utterly unexpected and the VwD I think sometimes you don't know until the something like this.

    I hope you get to see her and really thinking about her for coming home. It feels surreal to me. I end up getting so attached to blogger pets that I get just as sad as if I know them well.

    Thinking of you, Sam
