Saturday, February 9, 2013

Must Do

My must do for this weekend is to cut this 18 yards of fleece material up into strips so one day I can start on the rope toys for the shelter.  I bought the material last year on a good sale, and it's still sitting in my back room.  At least I washed it.  Someone needs to put a fire underneath me I think.

I also want to get on Ebay and check around for an item I seen that I like that I won't pay the money for from a certain other website.  I hope I find it cheap as I really like it. 

I'll probably jinx myself, but Lucas seems to be doing well with the medicine for his neck.  He hasn't yelped since last Saturday.  I will still look into maybe seeing a Chiropractor and/or Acupuncturist.  I feel like it might do him good.

Hubby continues to do good too.  I found his medicine at Sams Club for about a quarter of the price than what I paid for it last month, which is awesome.  Hopefully next week he will start his Cardiac Rehab.  The doctors office is dragging their feet.  He's already planning to switch doctors when he has to do his follow up appointment in 3 months.  A more established Cardiologist which was recommended to him by a friend who works at the hospital.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday.  I feel like it's Spring already.  I think I will be going and buying some flowers soon so I can kill them with my black thumb.  I enjoy them while they're alive.

This one is from last weekend.  Holly is watching television while sitting on Lucas' bed.


  1. That photo is so cute! I am glad Lucas is on the mend.

    I was wondering how your husband was doing. I am glad he is going to switch doctors. If there was ever a situation that calls for proactive care, this would be one of them.

    Hope you made your rope toys!

    1. All I'm going to say is, the fleece did not get cut this weekend.
