Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Stones and Silly Dog

I donated to a rescue and received these really cute paw print engraved stones.  The company who made them are local to the rescue and donated them to the rescue.  You can check out the rescue at S.P.A.Y. L.E.E. and you can check out the company who made the stones at Love Rocks Inc. 

I took this a couple of weeks ago when Lucas had spent the day at the vet to have his lump removed. I think Holly was really sad and wanted to know where her Lucas was.  She loves her Lucas.

Hope everyone is enjoying the start of the week!


  1. She is SO cute!

    I agree with you on just draining it versus having a drain in that location as well. I wonder how long it will take to heal? That is kind of a pain.

    How is your husband today?

    I laughed about you coming out for vacation. Meanwhile just about everyone else's life looks more stable than mine right now. :) Although heart attack is serious business. That would be scary all around.

    1. Not sure how long it will take to heal on the inside. Probably not fast enough for me! lol

      Hubby is doing good today. I know he'll have no problems staying home alone after tomorrow. He'll probably be released back to work in a week, two the most.

      The rescue guy stopped by to drop something off tonight and brought 2 dogs along for the ride. Lucas gets pushy (as he does with all other dogs), and one of the other dogs was like a spring, bouncing all over. Knocked into Lucas, Lucas got mad, then his front right leg would bend. I thought he might have pulled it out of socket or something as he wouldn't move. Was getting ready to go to emergency vet, then he started to move it some. Seems to be okay now, but I believe he might be sore. Fingers crossed. So yes, I still need that vacation :)
